Corona and the Prospects of the World Order .. Self-revision and restoration of imbalances

Corona and the Prospects of the World Order .. Self-revision and restoration of imbalances

The major effects of crises and disasters are usually not hidden on the various political, economic, social, security, and psychological fronts. Modern international practices are full of many severe experiences that have major repercussions at the level of the entire international system. The First World War was followed by the establishment of the first global organization balanced to establish Peace.

And the matter related to the League of Nations, and in its turn the United Nations in the mid-forties of the last century on the ruins of the Second World War, while the world witnessed accelerating changes after the end of the Cold War in the early nineties .. And the events of the eleventh of September 2001 produced major repercussions that affected various The countries of the world, the most important of which were reducing international priorities in combating terrorism.

When Covid 19 disease caused by the new corona virus began to spread in December of 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan, no one imagined that the matter would turn into a global pandemic by the approval of the World Health Organization, and the most serious health crisis facing the countries of the world, including Major countries such as China, France, the United States of America, Italy, Spain and Britain ..

The epidemic has left wide reactions among many interested people, researchers and politicians, among those who considered it a mere natural epidemic, which does not disappear much in terms of its risks and repercussions from the epidemics that humanity has faced historically .. Through the United States, to harm the Chinese economy, which has been achieving record proportions of growth, despite the successive financial crises that the world has known in recent decades.

While others claimed that China has succeeded to a great extent in investing the spread of this virus, in order to strengthen its currency, and get rid of the weight of European and international investments in the country, after the unprecedented collapse of stocks under the pressure of the spread of the epidemic .. within what we can call the administration the horrors that do To provoke fear and dismay within societies, in a manner that facilitates the passage of decisions and legislation that are usually difficult or impossible to pass in ordinary cases locally or internationally.

The "Corona" virus spread across different regions of the world, the subject of international peace and security and the developments and expansion that it has witnessed during the past three decades, to the forefront of international discussions at the political and academic levels ... in a world where political borders no longer prevent the expansion of transnational risks As with terrorism, environmental pollution, digital crime, epidemics and serious diseases ...

The spread of the disease has left a widespread state of terror and panic across the world, and many countries have expressed great difficulties facing it in coping with the repercussions and risks of this spread, despite their tremendous economic and technical potential.

The ways of dealing with the epidemic varied between countries that imposed a stone on entire cities and regions in order to contain the latter and prevent it from spreading, and others that resorted to establishing the state of emergency for the sake of preserving the health security of citizens .. Also, several countries prevented the movement of civil aviation, and the United States even By closing its borders even to the Europeans, who in turn were forced to close the borders between them

Despite all this, it can be said that the epidemic, and its severity and gravity, is a test of self-review and identification of imbalances, and an attempt to overcome them by scientific and rational means in the future. This spread enabled the awakening of a sense of citizenship and stimulated solidarity in a number of countries, and also highlighted the importance of providing medical structures in the level of risks and challenges, the vitality of investing in scientific research as the true gateway to progress, and achieving security in its comprehensive humanitarian concept.

Despite the huge financial, technical and human potentials that many countries of the world harnessed within their plans and measures to reduce the repercussions of the virus and prevent its spread and spread, the importance of establishing a culture of crisis management within society has emerged, because a large part of the losses that result from disasters and sudden epidemics do not cause In it the latter directly, but is linked in a significant part of it to the state of confusion and astonishment that it leaves among the people, which leads to impulsive, improvised and impulsive behaviors and options that may double the size of the losses ..

Establishing a culture of managing disasters and crises, between individuals and within governmental and private institutions, is a necessary and basic approach to alleviate the dangers arising from them, and to provide the psychological environment to face them with a degree of balance and preparedness .. which is what affects states and a number of institutions and sectors, such as the family, the school, and the media Civil society activities and properties ..

Parallel to the scientific / medical and technical discussions .. taking place regarding the risks of the virus, and ways to confine it to and eliminate it, there are other discussions that are not without significance, indicating that what is taking place within unprecedented field developments, will push the countries of the world to more solidarity, dialogue and a sense of the human participant, As a way to confront new threats to peace and security in all countries of the world without exception.

Within another vision, it evokes the countries ’tendency to close the land borders and airspace, and the return of the strict traditional concept of sovereignty, there are those who believe that the epidemic will have strategic consequences, which may stop the advance of globalization in all its economic and political manifestations, especially with the rise of extreme right and populist currents in a number From countries ..

And taking into consideration the exchange of accusations between China and the United States regarding the source of the virus, and the two sides' protests alongside other international powers ... towards the exclusivity of producing a vaccine for this deadly disease, it seems that major changes will be attached to the world after the horror of "Corona", and may lead to destabilization of pillars The current international system, to make way for the establishment of a new multi-polar international system, in which international powers such as China will enjoy a standing position.


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