Five ways to deal with head lice and nits

Five ways to deal with head lice and nits

Parents are afraid to discover an invasion of itching, but with the right approach you can stop them in their tracks.

Act quickly

"People don't cure infection in the early stages," says Ian Burgess, director of the Center for Medical Insect Medicine in Cambridge, whose research is outlined in the Nice Guidelines for this ongoing problem. "We often find people with hundreds and sometimes thousands of lice," he says. "If you check your baby's hair and find a bunch of egg lice, you should comb right away, rather than wait until you discover one that lives," says De Wright, owner of The Hairforce, a series of "lice killers." Who describe themselves as "lice". Perform a weekly examination. "

Choose your weapon wisely

"Many of Britain's best-selling net combs are ineffective," says Burgess. "They have gaps so wide that lice and nits can sneak in." A plastic detector comb is recommended. "It must be solid, the front must be square, to catch the legs of lice." The Bug Buster error sold by Community Hygiene Concern contains these types of combs, in different sizes for lice and nits, and is available on NHS (free for children with lice). "It won't be in five minutes," says Burgess. With thick or long hair, you need to spend 20 to 30 minutes per session. If you find results, and you think you've done a good job, you probably haven't - there will be at least a dozen hiding. "

Carefully comb

Wright warns that "lice are sensitive to movement and scarcity when touching hair." Dividing the head into sections helps avoid any loss. To separate the hair first and use conditioner. Burgess says that metal combs, in particular, can rupture individual hair. “We came across fake images,” he says. "The comb removed a small lice-like node." "If you will comb, then you need to use lubricants and do it carefully."

Forget chemical pesticides

Burgess says we have known about pesticide-resistant lice in the UK since 1995, yet the sale of chemical pesticides is still sequential - pharmacists are highly recommended and prescribed by doctors. "Doctors don't listen," he says. "Not surprisingly, there are so many lice."

Play the long game

Silicon-based shampoo treatments, known as somatic insecticides, may actually kill lice, but some frightening lice can survive. "We looked at about 1895 record cases," says Burgess. "Most of those who suffered from child lice appeared after the first week of treatment, but the longest case was 13 days." Either be treated again after a week or so, or continue combing for a few weeks to catch any late hatcheries.


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