Loss of a loved one: who can help you?
Loss of a loved one: who can help you?
No matter how we consider it, the disappearance of a loved one sounds like a thunderclap. To help you overcome the grief, some associations and platforms exist.
By phone and / or Skype
01 42 380 808, a free service (+ cost of the call) offered by the Empreintes association, which welcomes individuals and professionals facing a grieving situation. Punctual listening or repeated interviews.
0800 49 46 27, free telephone tapping from the Dialogue & Solidarity association, which puts you in touch with the team closest to you.
Individual interview
It takes place with volunteers trained in coaching. Information from Vivre son mourning or from the reception centers of the Dialogue & Solidarity and Empreintes associations in Paris / Île-de-France.
Other associations (such as Favec) offer interviews with volunteers who themselves have been in mourning as well as tax, legal and administrative support.
Support or self-help groups
They bring together 5 to 10 people in a framework and at a defined rate (once or twice a month for example) in order to exchange with others who are experiencing the same situation. Living in mourning, Dialogue & Solidarity or Empreintes in Paris / Île-de-France offer discussion groups.
The mourning cafes
It is a one-off event around a theme, a time of exchange where each participant is invited to express themselves and / or listen to the experience of others. Information from Favec or Dialogue & Solidarité.
On the Internet
The association Empreintes offers on its website (section Inform / Support in your region) a national directory of bereavement support structures.
You can find a wealth of useful and comforting information on happyend.life (under Good grief).