Sex after menopause: untangle the true from the false

Sex after menopause: untangle the true from the false

Hormones aren't everything. Contrary to popular belief, you can always have a lot of fun there!

We necessarily have less desire to make love
False. "From a hormonal point of view, we should even experience more desire after menopause, since testosterone, which is the hormone of libido, takes over," said Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist. Of course, our libido depends on many factors and, as it is a period of upheaval, many reasons can curb our desire: difficulty accepting physical changes, the impression of being less desirable, etc. In any case, no fatality: "If your sex life was satisfactory before, it can even be even better, provided you have a real agreement with your partner," reassures Dr. Bagot.

No need to protect yourself
False. Okay, there is no longer any risk of getting pregnant, so goodbye to contraception ... but not the condom! The risk of getting HIV or other sexually transmitted infections (although they are less common than in young people) is real with a new partner. Doing a screening test is essential before having unprotected sex.

Better to use a lubricant
True. Estrogen deficiency promotes vaginal dryness. As the mucosa reacts less quickly to arousal (even if the desire is there), it takes more time to provide identical lubrication. Using a gel therefore makes foreplay and intercourse more pleasant. "He acts like a starter," says Dr. Bagot. If you do not want to release a lubricant in full action, you will rather opt for a visco-liquid form (Monasens or Sensilube for example) which imitates natural secretions well, to be applied discreetly on the vulva and at the entrance of the vagina a little before the report.

Hormone treatment boosts libido
True and false. Admittedly, the intake of estrogens helps to avoid vaginal dryness, which is an obstacle to desire. By helping us to feel better, it can also act on the self-esteem and the state of general form. But hormone treatment is not miraculous, libido depends above all on the relationship with our partner and the frequency of intercourse.

The more regular the reports, the better
True. The mucous membrane is maintained by mechanical stimulation: the less we make love, the more the vaginal dryness gets worse, it's a vicious circle. An apprehension can also settle before intercourse, causing involuntary contractions of the perineum, and therefore pain, at the slightest touch. To make love without pressure or apprehension (including for the gentleman), it is better not to leave too much time between two relationships: once a week minimum would be ideal.


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