Peel the lemon

Peel the lemon

In short, the benefits of lemon peel and how the pharmaceutical companies hide the benefits of lemon peel. Small special aromatic!
Wash the lemon and place in the refrigerator, then cut the peeling slices Put these slices on all kinds of foods that you eat from vegetables, meat, fish, soup or even ice cream.
The benefit of lemon peel ten times the benefit of lemon juice itself. This peeling is stronger in eliminating cancer cells by 10,000 times than chemotherapy. Lemon peel only cancer cells, while chemotherapy affects all diseased and healthy cells together.
Was discovered in 1970 and remained a secret until drug companies doubled their profits from selling drugs and avoiding billions of dollars.
In addition to treating all types of cancer, lemon peel also fights all microbes and harmful bacteria as well as fungi, parasites and worms and regulates blood circulation as well as resistance to neurological and psychological disorders.
Let's take advantage of this by washing the lemon, putting it in the refrigerator and putting it on our food. All humans can peel lemon and eat.
citrus fruit
1 - lemon fruit effective in the fight against diseases associated with infection.
2 - drinking lemon juice is useful for heart patients because it is rich in potassium.
3 - natural pain relievers.
4 - Put lemon juice on the bite of bees or Hornet to relieve pain.
5. Stop bleeding.
6. Drink a mixture of lemon and olive oil with chamomile flowers helps melt the pebble gallstone.
7. Lemon juice is an antioxidant and strengthens the immune system of the human body.
8 - lemon juice strengthens the hair and prevents the crust and dissolves fat and increases morale and explain the chest once inhaled.
9 - Lemon juice with hot water activates kidneys to get rid of fluids in the body.
10 - Lemon Juice Distributor Rabanit Creator is a great protection and treatment for persistent chronic diseases

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