Prince Harry and Megan in a private Moroccan hospitality

Prince Harry and Megan in a private Moroccan hospitality

The British Prince Harry and his wife Megan Marckel visited Morocco for three days between Casablanca, Marrakech and Rabat, where a series of social, cultural and tourism programs took place. Among the stations where the couple stopped were to learn about traditional hospitality and Moroccan cuisine.

La Villa des Ambassadeurs was chosen in Rabat to welcome the Duke and Duchess of Sussex because of its rich Moroccan architectural character and the preservation of Moroccan cuisine.

"The visit was a very successful visit and our honor was great when we were selected from 15 guesthouses and represented our country in the authentic Moroccan way," says Javad El Deish, General Manager of the guest house la Villa des Ambassadeurs.

The visit of my guests to Morocco was full of meetings with youth and girls from the rural world and children with special needs.

Children with special needs and orphans had an appointment with my guests in Morocco, and each welcomed the guests in their own way.

For example, Khoula of the Moroccan League for the Protection of Children expressed her welcome in a distinctive way. "Today we came to receive Prince Harry and his wife and we gave them a number of popular dishes," she said.

The culture of Moroccan cuisine is not only in the ingredients and spices, but also in being the crossroads of multiple civilizations, Prince Harry and his wife Megane, under the supervision of chef "Moha", savored a variety of famous dishes. "This visit is a pride for Morocco and has a good impact on tourism," says the Moroccan cook.

The introduction of hospitality and cooking in the program of the visit of Prince Harry and his wife to Morocco is a message that brings together social and cultural values ​​and the creation of interdependence, rapprochement, communication and dialogue between Arab and foreign cultures.


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