Frozen shoulder: factor of risk and treatments

Frozen shoulder: factor of
risk and treatments

The frozen shoulder is a traumatic condition of the shoulder. This condition is also known as "retractile capsulitis" because inflammation of the shoulder joint capsule is the mechanism for the final production of symptoms.

To understand this, it is necessary to know the structure of the shoulder. The shoulder is a joint in which three bones are in contact, namely the humerus, clavicle and scapula; Soft tissue covers these bones forming a capsule. This capsule thickens when you suffer from frozen shoulder.

It is estimated that about 2% of the world's population suffer from this condition at some point in their lives. This affection concerns more mainly the people between forty and sixty years old; women are the most concerned.

As we will see later in this article, some people are more likely than others to suffer from this condition. This condition is mainly associated with the lack of mobility that leads to the thickening of the joint capsule. For this reason, this condition is usually diagnosed in prostrate patients, for example.

Symptoms and diagnosis of frozen shoulder
The frozen shoulder develops slowly. The symptoms do not appear overnight. The condition consists of three stages that can be spread out over a total of four years. We describe the process below.

Motor blocking. This is the first stage of the disease. It is characterized by pain when the shoulder is moving. Although the shoulder is still able to move, the patient is still limited in movement. This period lasts between two and nine months.
Frozen phase. This second stage is also known as the "stiffness stage". Moving the shoulder becomes very difficult, even at the time of performing simple tasks of everyday life. This stage lasts about six months.

Thaw phase. This phase is characterized by an improvement in symptoms. The improvement may be natural or may be due to medical treatments. A complete recovery can last between six months and two years.
In order to establish the diagnosis of the frozen shoulder, the doctor must, roughly speaking, carry out a thorough clinical examination because the symptoms are clear. Generally, the health professional tries to move the affected upper limb in different directions.

When the doctor mobilizes the patient's shoulder without the patient exerting any force, he measures the passive movement. He will then ask the patient to move his arm with his own strength to analyze the active movement. When a patient suffers from frozen shoulder, both active and passive movement are limited and painful.

The shoulder is composed of three bones and a capsule that covers these bones.
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Risk factors
The frozen shoulder is associated with situations in which mobility is reduced. To remain prostrate very long, for example, makes us run a greater risk. Low shoulder mobility due to trauma is another risk factor for frozen shoulder. And there are others.

Age: the elderly who need help when it's time to move.
Fractures in the arm and forearm: these fractures involve the placement of a cast.
Stroke: Stroke recovery is slow and patient mobility is reduced due to sequelae.
Prolonged rest: after certain surgical procedures, prolonged rest is mandatory.
In addition, some diseases are considered as risk factors: without being responsible for prostration, they predispose to the frozen shoulder. These diseases include:

diabetes (scientific studies show that up to 20% of people with diabetes suffer at some point from the frozen shoulder, the cause being unknown);
alterations in the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism);
Parkinson's disease.

The placement of a cast on the arm or forearm predisposes to the frozen shoulder.
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Treatment of the frozen shoulder
Anti-inflammatory medications and some physiotherapy sessions can improve the condition of patients. In general, in 90% of cases, refractive surgery is not necessary.

The drugs that can be prescribed include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids. Ibuprofen is the most frequently used NSAID. As for corticosteroids, injectable cortisone directly inside the painful joint is the preferred option.

Physiotherapy plays a fundamental role in treatment. Some exercises and punctual maneuvers are effective in treating this condition. The application of heat to promote relaxation of rigid structures also helps to improve the patient's condition.

Surgery is the last resort for patients who have not responded correctly to the first options, namely drugs and physiotherapy. This option is not common, but it exists.

The surgical maneuvers are as follows:

manipulation - under anesthesia, the medical staff mobilizes the shoulder by forcing it, which causes a rupture of the rigid capsule and releases the joint;
arthroscopy - the surgeon cuts some parts of the rigid capsule through small incisions using tools provided for this purpose.
In short ...
You will understand, the frozen shoulder is a very painful assignment responsible for the impotence of the shoulder.

If you experience similar symptoms when moving your shoulder and performing your daily activities, you should consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis.


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