Reaching a rare disease, this woman can have 50 orgasms a day

Reaching a rare disease, this woman can have 50 orgasms a day

With persistent genital arousal syndrome, Amanda Gryce can have up to 50 orgasms a day. They can arrive anywhere and anytime.

In everyday life, orgasms are a real moment of pleasure. If they are usually controlled, it sometimes happens that they trigger themselves. This is the case of Amanda Gryce, 24, who suffers from persistent genital arousal syndrome. The young woman can have up to 50 orgasms a day.

Orgasms that ruin her life
If you think Amanda has a dream, that's not the case at all. Indeed, his orgasms can be triggered anywhere and anytime. She explained:

If it happens in public or when I'm with my friends, I just have to show my widest smile and act as if nothing had happened.

In addition, orgasms can be caused by simple vibrations or simple noises. They can last several minutes or even hours.

I can have 50 orgasms in one day and five to ten in an hour. Just getting in a car or hearing a sound can trigger an orgasm.

said the young woman.

Recently, Amanda Gryce met Dr. Robert Echenberg, a specialist in pelvic pain. In order to control his uncontrollable orgasms in public, he prescribed a treatment. He also advised him to do meditation and relaxation exercises. According to the GentSide website, the method would seem to bear fruit.


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