How to end snoring?

How to end snoring?

Ear plugs, diet change, weight loss, nasal strips, there are several solutions to fight against snoring.

In Belgium, it is estimated that about 20% of the population snores. A phenomenon that doubles with age as about 40% of the over 50s are affected by this problem. Sex also seems to play a role, men snoring twice as much as women, this trend still tending to decline after menopause.

Snoring occurs during the night when the larynx muscles relax, causing the throat to shrink. In some people, the air inspired by the mouth in a smaller hole, sometimes obstructed by the tongue, causes vibrations that turn into snoring. Fortunately, snoring is very often mild, unless accompanied by sleep apnea. In this case, it is necessary to see a doctor.

As much noise as a mower
But snoring is still an annoying noise nuisance, especially at a time when one is supposed to rest. Average snoring produces between 45 and 60 decibels, the sound of a common conversation. But for some people, snoring can reach 95 or even 100 decibels, the sound of a horn or a lawn mower. In order for her spouse to return to a peaceful sleep, it may be necessary to opt for solutions that reduce this noise pollution.

To spend a quiet night, the first solution we think of is to wear earplugs. But these plugs will not reduce the frequency of snoring, are sometimes not very effective and can disturb the people who wear them. We must then turn to certain changes in everyday life to reduce the frequency of snoring. This is particularly the case for overweight people who manage to lose weight, or when it decreases alcohol consumption. "In case of overweight or obesity, weight loss is essential to lessen or stop snoring. Snorers should also avoid drinking alcohol in the evening and taking sedative medications, "confirms Dr Mehdi Khamaktchian, coordinator of the Brugmann University's Snoring Clinic on his website. It is also generally advisable not to eat too much fat and avoid dairy products at night.

The alternative of nasal strips also exists, even if it is not the most glamorous. In practice, these strips are adhesive devices to be applied to the nose to prevent narrowing of the nasal passages. This promotes nasal breathing over mouth breathing and reduces snoring. Mandibular advancement orthoses may also be a path to explore. These braces hold the tongue and jaw forward so that air can pass more easily.

But the position in which one sleeps can also have an impact on snoring. Sleeping on your back puts your tongue in such a position that the air is more difficult to pass. It is therefore advisable to try to fall asleep on your side or stomach.

And the operation?
Still, the only solution can sometimes be surgery. In this case, it is often the radiofrequency operation that is preferred. This treatment "consists of introducing a probe with a very fine needle to different parts of the soft palate, tongue and nose (under local or general anesthesia) and passing a weak electric current which retracts and reduces the tissue volume which effectively and sustainably reduces snoring, "reads the website of Brugmann UH. Among the advantages of this method: little pain and complications as well as proven efficacy in 80% of cases.


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